ARLD012 DX news QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 12 ARLD012 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT March 4, 1993 To all radio amateurs Thanks and a tip of the hat to Bob, W5KNE; QRZ DX; Chod, VP2ML; The DX Bulletin; Tom, KL7Q; Bandi, HG5BFL; Lonnie, KA9WON; and Bob, KS0X, for the items in this week's bulletin. BOUVET ISLAND. Norwegian PTT worker LA2QM reports that a Russian explorer, Fedor Konyukhov, R0L, does have a valid license and permission to land on Bouvet. This operation is slated for April or May, though safe landing opportunities would seem doubtful in the middle of the Antarctic winter. CHATHAM ISLANDS. A DXpedition is on now through March 9. The nine New Zealand operators plan to do general DX contacts, participate in their country's Field Day Competition, and operate in the ARRL DX Phone Contest. Busy lads, indeed. And amateur radio will be demonstrated to some local Scouting groups in a mini-JOTA style event. The call sign for this operation is ZL7AA, with activity on all HF bands, six and two meters. Check 3505, 7005, 14025, 21025 and 28025 kHz for CW. Check 3795, 7085, 14195, 21295 and 28495 kHz for SSB. QSX up, both modes. No frequencies were supplied, but they will be on the WARC bands, too. QSL via PO Box 54, Hastings, NEW ZEALAND, or via CBA of ZL2AL. This is a private, non-sponsored DXpedition, so direct QSLing will require an SASE with sufficient return postage. Any cards received without SASEs or insufficient return postage will be answered via the bureau only. LORD HOWE ISLAND. A group led by Rudi, DJ5CQ, is active as VL9LM. They will focus on CW around 25 kHz up, but can sometimes be found on 14195 or 21295 kHz SSB. There is a possibility of some OSCAR work. After March 16 they plan to be off to New Caledonia to operate from Lifou Island in the Loyalty Islands. FERNANDO DE NORONHA. Peter, PY5CC, plans to sign PY0FM through early April on 80 through 6 meters. His beacon will be on 50095 kHz. Look for him in the contest this weekend. QSL to PO Box 07, Matinhos PR 83260-000, BRAZIL. As of press time, this operation has not shown up on the local PacketCluster node. HA5BUS. According to HG5BFL, the BUS crew were unsuccessful in obtaining an STA from FCC to operate W/HA5BUS. FCC cited the lack of a reciprocal agreement between the United States and Hungary, and the existing availability of ''regular'' licensing as reasons for the denial. The latest word is that the BUS crew will take their show to Mexico. ITU GENEVA. Italian DXer Luc, I1YRL, will be operating 4U1ITU in April, and 4U8ITU in May of this year. BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA. 9A2AJ is NOT the QSL manager for 4N4XX. The proper route is via Slaven Galic, PO Box 22, Siroki-Berjeg 88220, Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, via SPLIT 58000, Republic of Croatia, EUROPE. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. For those facing the possibility of heavy snow this weekend, we've conveniently scheduled the Phone ARRL DX Contest from 0000z Saturday through 2400z Sunday. Details are on page 125 of December QST. For those who don't care for the contest, there is always the CW end, the shelter of the WARC bands or snow shovelling. And for those not satisfied with conventional DX, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday should prove to be optimum times for EME, the ultimate DX. Monday night's full Moon will be the closest to Earth for 1993, a mere 221,000 miles. This figure is downright close in space distance. There have even been PacketCluster spots for EME stations heard this past week. /EX